Elk Grove Promenade Shopping Malls

Elk Grove Promenade Shopping Malls

Elk Grove Promenade is expected to open in fall 2008. The developer's agreement with the city of Elk Grove says the center must open no later than March 2009.

The center will have more than 100 stores on 107 acres by the Grant Line Road interchange at Highway 99.

Major tenants of the Elk Grove Promenade will include a Macy's department store, a Barnes & Noble bookstore, and a 16-screen Cinemark Theatre.

The center also will contain six major restaurants with outdoor seating and a 20,000 square foot food pavilion with seating for 800 people.

The Elk Grove mall was first envisioned as a traditional enclosed mall, but retail trends have moved away from enclosed malls in favor of open air centers like the Elk Grove Promenade.

This page will be updated as more tenants are announced.

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