Sacramento Prostate Cancer Care

Sacramento Prostate Cancer Care

Prostate Cancer InfoLink
Archive of resources for patients with prostate cancer, their families and friends, and interested health care providers.

Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI)
Pursuing research into the prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. Also aims to educate patients and their families about the diagnosis, staging, treatments, and available resources to address the disease.

MedlinePlus: Prostate Cancer
Offers links to research news, overview articles, interactive tutorials, information on alternative and traditional treatments, and more.

Prostate Calculator
Interactive, informative, and illustrated calculators to predict disease outcomes using Artificial Neural Networks.

OncoLink: Prostate Cancer
Explains what the prostate gland is, risk factors, signs of prostate cancer, diagnosis, and treatment options.

MerckSource: Prostate Cancer
Offers information on prostate cancer, its causes and symptoms.

Planet Prostate
Join Sammy Sperm on a mission to discover the role of the prostate gland in sex and physiology.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering: Prostate Cancer Center
Overview of the most common cancer among American men and the second leading cause of cancer deaths.

National Cancer Institute: Prostate Cancer
Collection of articles and links from the National Cancer Institute.

Prostate Cancer Institute
Includes prostate cancer treatment options and information about prostate cancer tests, PSA levels, symptoms, and psychological issues.

eMedicineHealth: Prostate Cancer
Contains information about prostate cancer and its causes, symptoms, and treatments.

Prostate Cancer Research and Education Foundation
Provides preliminary funding for new prostate cancer research projects that benefit patients in the near term.

Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide
Provides a chart of common approaches taken by patients. The Prostate Cancer Treatment Guide covers brachytherapy, chemotherapy, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, and prostatectomy.

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